As someone who did not vote for this situation, I’m greatly concerned as my spouse is a green card holder and I don’t know what to do to keep her safe when she is already supposed to be. I have asked her to always have her green card on her, but what else is possible. ;/
Move somewhere else that’s not run by the Gestapo…it sucks but run… seriously. It’s dangerous now to have a green card or hell even have been born in another country and now be a US citizen. These fuckers are going after everyone… I’m waiting for them to start targeting people with foreign sounding last names.
You know that feeling when you’re watching a horror movie and internally you’re just screaming at the protagonist “run!” ?
This is exactly how it feels as a non-american watching everything unfold over there. I really hope it doesn’t and the people stand up and protect the vulnerable (read: not white) but yeah…if you could give the German Jews one piece of advice in the 1930s, what would it be?
Too bad most of us are too poor to leave.
It’s terrible this is happening and the only people who can do anything about is…you. everyday people.
Billionaires have been stacking the deck for decades, keeping you poor and too exhausted to protest to demand better. Fascism has been quietly regaining strength and is now front and centre.
Democrats will not step in and defend you, they’re collaborators (except a handful). I think the time for emails and lobbying your rep is quickly passing. I’m afraid you’re going to have to take back your country french style, loud and dirty.
Just wanted to add:
I know there are more than a few armchair activists around happy to hand out advice. What’s happening in the USA has been a kick in the pants for me to get involved and protect my own country’s democracy.
We’re all in this together. You are not alone.
I just don’t understand why Trump supporters believe Trump. It was clear that his campaign was influenced by Project 2025, and he had several of its authors at his inner circle. But he claimed he didn’t know anything about it and for some reason his supporters believed him.
And now he’s doing exactly what was promised. None of this should be a surprised. The document was openly published by a think tank, his campaign embraced it, and yet his supporters thought it wasn’t going to happen.
I really don’t get it either. Trump can say something and his supporters will believe him no matter what.
He could tell a supporter their child is a demon, shoot the kid in the face and they would thank him for it.
I have no idea what to do about it.
Trump can say something and his supporters will believe him no matter what.
Liberals do the same shit with their politicians. BlueMAGA has the same capacity for reasoning and insight that MAGA does.
They really don’t. I am a leftist, not a liberal. But i see liberals constantly denounce and get angry at democrats. Bluemaga is not a thing… Of course there are a couple of liberals that defend biden or whatever. There are idiots in every group whether its politics, anime, music, gaming, whatever.
But it’s not a THING like with maga. Maga will die for their fuhrer. They believe everything he says. Trump is their hero and savior.
You’re being ridiculous on purpose.
Blue MAGA isn’t a thing but “Blue No Matter Who (unless it’s Bernie)” is a thing
Oh definitely. And i do get it. Not that i agree but i do get it. When its either 100% or 70% shit, and its the only 2 choices there are, then obviously people will vote for the 70% shit.
Liberals I know are spitting in Schumer’s face. When Eric Adams committed a crime, he needed to beg maga to help, not “bLuEmAGa”. The blue was bringing him to court no matter what. No one loved Biden no one loves a majority of liberal politicians.
Do they? Sure, Bernie supporters love to sniff his farts, but they’re not making him the center of their conspiracy theories and there’s no indication they’d believe him if he said 2+2=5. And no one’s getting this excited over Harris, Biden, Warren, Buttigieg, etc.
We need to stop pretending both sides are basically the same. They’re not. They were in the 90s, when it was Clinton vs. Bush. They were pre-Trump, with people like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. But Trump is in a league of his own, and there is not a liberal equivalent of MAGA right now.
I was told by liberals that I should stop worrying about Gazan children for more than a year while Biden and Democrats happily gave Israel the money and guns to kill them
Now they tell me Trump is bad for his support of Israel