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The original was posted on /r/ghoststories by /u/AleciGarcia on 2025-03-18 19:55:24+00:00.
I recently got engaged and moved in with my fiance and we moved in with his mother and brother to help them with bills and debts. It’s been a couple of months now and since the beginning we’ve all noticed something off in the house but claimed it was our imaginations. Over the last few weeks though things have been getting scarier to say the least.
Whatever is here has been mimicking me and my MIL (Mama Kat). My Fiance (John) has even seen me walking in the living room while the real me was in the bathroom bathing our puppy. My BIL (Brandon) hasn’t had any experiences up until last night.
Last night we decided it was time to really do something because of how close and active it was. Mama Kat was about to go to sleep and John and I were in the kitchen (our makeshift room) playing games. Our puppy began growling, which is extremely unlike him, and something hit his cage. Kat got up and asked if any of us were breathing hard. We answered no and asked why. She went on to discribe having her eyes closed and seeing the little bit of light in the room fade to complete black and hearing heavy breathing hovering over her.
I’m very protective of Kat seeing as how she needs surgery so I got up and went to investigate. I’m a newbie to ghost hunting but I do know a little and have encountered quite a bit of paranormal activity in my last 5 to 7 years. When I got in the room I immediately felt the temp change to freezing (the AC Unit was not on). Kat honestly looked scared. She asked me to listen and when a few seconds passed I could hear the breathing she described. The second I did the bed lurched and a cold breeze fell over me, a long with a primal sense of fear. Later on into the night we are still sitting with Kat and we can hear the tapping on the door, see shadow figures moving, and see the bathroom door moving open.
John and I sit back on our bed and have Brandon sit with Kat, thinking maybe it would go away. It didn’t. It appeared in the bathroom to Brandon and disappeared just as fast.
After we all managed to go to sleep I ended up having sleep paralysis in a dream and as soon as I woke up. The entity I seen resembled the hat man but with glowing red eyes and sharp teeth.
We’ve tried salt, prayers, crosses, and ignoring it, but nothing is working. What should we do until we’re able to move out.