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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/No-Possession2939 on 2025-03-20 17:18:36+00:00.

Yeah, I actually really need the money. However, I have been more than fed up and today was the last straw. A completely toxic environment including but not limited to the manager being kind of predatory and hiring all underage girls to fill the schedule. Too many cooks in the kitchen literally. I wasn’t trained properly and then when I took initiative to do things was constantly reprimanded leading me to just lose any passion I could muster for the job. Then it was me having a bad attitude when the MANAGER himself admitted to having “a 16 day streak of bad days” all of which I worked and that directly contributed to my own poor attitude.

However, I would do all my tasks. I showed up on time even though he said they were “flexible”, because he would have 1-1 with me for being 3 minutes late. Today, I wasn’t feeling well but was in my station honestly just waiting for customers to come in to give me something to do. I didn’t have a smile on my face but I was in pain. So the GM came up to me and talked to me about my “bad attitude” all while being short and disrespectful to me. I was fuming by this point: mainly because he made it a point to acknowledge how “bright and bubbly” I was the first two weeks but FAILED to acknowledge how his own poor attitude and performance affected mine. HE is the one to set the tone and he failed. When he wasn’t working all of the employees INCLUDING his assistant managers would go off about how they don’t like him. How he’s transphobic. And lazy to boot.

He was finally like “I’m just not dealing with this” which is another example of his own poor management skills but I digress. I need the money but at 11/hr I am confident I’ll find something else.