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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/nota98yearoldman on 2025-03-20 21:31:29+00:00.
I’ve only been working here for 4 months but I’m getting fed up with these guys. It’s three days all the way out in JUNE. My boss told me I can’t go because he’s already on vacation those days. Which in a sense makes sense, but why approve it if you don’t want me off?? He approved it almost a week ago and only told me this today. My sister already has the tickets booked and our days planned out.
Then he had the audacity to say “well, what’s it for?” as if he was going to consider changing his mind. I told him it’s to see my sister because it’s the ONLY days I’ll be able to see her while she’s in the area. His response was “I already booked our cabin for my time off so I’m not staying those days.” Which also doesn’t make sense because we have enough people to cover for us.
It’s only three days and we have two other employees. Before I was even fully trained, he and the store owner left me COMPLETELY alone for two days, five other days with one colleague.
He’s not gonna get what he wants. As a matter of fact, he sealed the deal that I won’t even be an employee by June. Fuck him, Fuck this store.
UPDATE: I went in my payroll app to take a screenshot of my approved time off, and the bastard somehow unapproved it.