I’d take some less evil, please.
Sorry. The Democrats sued less evil off the ballot.
This meme made sense in 2012, not when the Republican Party has decided to be the Anti-Democratic Party.
Not three months ago Gaza had a death toll well past fifty thousand by the most conservative estimates, not to mention the huge amounts of women and children maimed, malnourished and the wholesale destruction of the entire strip’s infrastructure.
Did the republicans do that or did y’all deny reality so much in the pursuit of tHe mOsT iMpOrTanT ElEctiOn oF oUr LiFeTimE that you don’t know what fucking color the sky is unless you ask the DNC first.
The republicans are not diametrically opposed to the democrats, they’re just the same shit but more brash, and (with Trump at the helm) too fucking incompetent to not say the quiet part out loud, maybe because they know their base is so rabid on American fascism that dogwhistles aren’t enough anymore, they need a fucking trumpet.
Ao you’re on board with golden Trump statue instead of the strip then?
Who destroyed the Gaza Strip to begin with?
There would be no “Trump plan to rebuild Gaza” is Gaza wasn’t destroyed under Biden.
Why are you so “on board” with the destruction and genocide of Palestinians as long as it’s a Democrat doing it?
Are you… do you think Biden destroyed Gaza?
He funded, supported, and aided in it’s destruction, yes. Are you denying that he did?
Americacentrism never stops to amaze me. Do you believe that anything happens without your say in it?
You are trying to defect rather than answer the question. Are you denying that he sent billions in weapons and aid to Israel, sent warships to defend them against potential retaliatiatory attacks, and loudly defended their “right to defend themselves”?
I’ll answer your deflection question though, just so you have no excuses.
Yes, many things happen without our permission. Examples from just under Biden, “We” didn’t want china to surpass us in so many metrics and “we” didn’t want Russia to continue to last against Ukraine despite our weapons shipments and sanctions, but ultimately “we” had no say in the outcome. The genocide that Biden (and now Trump) directly assisted in Gaza is just not one of those things.
If the vast majority of Americans believed the Democrats to be less evil, the Democrats would have 90% of the vote. If that were the case, the Republicans would move ever further left, perhaps even overtaking the Democrats, until they get a chance at winning again.
The reason the parties are right wing is because the voters are right wing.
That’s why we need a communist revolution where everyone will be a happy little comrade
The reason that people don’t vote Democrats is the same reason that people won’t join your revolution.
If you found enough people to support a revolution, that’d mean you have enough people to change the system by simple voting.
That’s not actually how electoral politics works. The two major parties are right wing because that’s what the bourgeoisie allows the US to pick from, not because those policies are genuinely popular. Bernie, for example, had policies more supported by both republican and democrat voters than either other candidate. Policies like Medicare for All are overwhelmingly popular.
Revolution isn’t won at the ballot box because the electoral system is designed from the outset to only allow pre-approved candidates and parties. Revolution comes from organizing, hence why in areas with stronger union presence government policy is usually more pro-worker, they must capitulate.
Revolution, ie the overthrow of the state, has happened many times before throughout the world and will happen many times more as long as it remains the only actual vector for change.
If left wing policies were truly more popular, why didn’t the Democrats win? The voters didn’t get Bernie, so if you can’t get your ideal option, you instead take the worse of the two remaining ones? Even if voters were only voting for damage reduction, they’d still vote Democrat in that case.
But the Democrats didn’t win. The voters don’t want damage reduction. The voters want damage.