The Japanese says she stuck it into her anus…
Phew, 2 ways to read it and they may both be wrong.
The ‘rape u’ dick?
Solid portmanteau
I didn’t think a single word could be poetry, but here we are.
Well there’s your problem: you don’t have a pelvis.
Do I need one?
You may have back pain if you try to sit up without one
Holy shit, finally a solution to my back pain that I can get behind! Now, is there anyone big enough to get behind me?
Rip your inbox
R.I.P. their “outbox” as well
Look, if all the horny femboy posting I already do hasn’t attracted anyone to my dms, I’m not sure anything will.
djsoren19 calls for aid!
And Bad Dragon shall answer
Nah sorry, I don’t know any sign language, American or otherwise.
Original tweet quote translation:
“After inserting the giant butt plug, the [strained back/slipped disk] pain disappeared”
That looks like an artillery shell.
You scared Corporal?
Ain’t no one on earth outrank an artillery man running full speed away from something.
Chronicle back brain
Does someone has the source?
Pain in the Back, the Chronicles.
Laprodic posture like that ain’t good for most people.
Hopefully that means young woman and this isn’t CP
Either way NSFW this
I usually try to reserve judgement with people I don’t know but are you an idiot? Girl and boy are commonly used in English to refer to people of all ages. Girl does not mean child in many cases.
I’m aware. That’s why I said “I hope” and not “this is absolutely 100% CP”
How fucked up are you to jump to that conclusion in the first place?
Chronic anxiety?
In regards to the chronic anxiety, mine has never caused me to suggest something is pedophiliac when it isn’t. I don’t want you to think I’m shitting on you just for the hell of it. I’d like to think you’re smarter than your comment. Just try to think before posting something that is just going to provoke people and piss them off. I’d really like to believe you’re better than that.
I wish you the best. I hope your anxiety gets better, mine is pretty bad rn so I know how that is.
Are you anxious of seeing a too young skeleton with a dildo inside?
No just like in general
That sure is some projection there…