Recasting sounds fine.
Would’ve been the easiest recast to do, since they’ve already established multiversial counterparts don’t always look the same.
Ms Kang would be kind of epic. Like Hela on steroids.
I’m hoping we get an Iron Lad variant for Armor Wars. It would be a neat twist if you had a Kang variant wearing futuristic Stark armor facing off against a Stark variant that became Doom. They’re obviously building towards a Young Avengers movie, anyway.
My pipe dream hope is a recast with John Boyega. He doesn’t look jarringly different from Majors and he’s got the acting chops for the range of personalities that Kang has shown so far. Incidentally, it also would make him and his Star Wars costar Oscar Isaac Marvel multiverse buddies. The main problem would be if he has a chip on his shoulder with Disney for how his role was treated in Star Wars. It would be a waste to drop the character and all of the setup and have it affect the flow and potential of the film series.
Yeah, I think Marvel went into panic mode and tried to save face as much as they could. But, if you ask me, obliterating a multiversal threat that easily was so stupid. I mean, recasting sounds so much more natural than bringing your 60 yrs old Phase 1 icon back like a Tony Stark variant - or something like that.
Just think about it. The Kang army, all of his knowledge and powers, his connection with Reed Richards. So much potential wasted.
And yeah, Boyega would have been great as Kang.
I generally like Marvel film and TV content, but would prefer to have the studio pause for a while.
Not because of this Jonathan Majors thing, but because I still like Marvel, but have no interest in any of its new content.
I’d rather have nothing and build up a desire for it, than be flooded with content and have no interest.
I need there to be literally nothing new produced that has superheroes in it for, let’s say, about 35 years. And let’s toss the entire horror genre in there too. We need a cleansing moratorium on the two biggest forms of direct-to-dumpster entertainment.
You’ve been missing out then, horror movies have been having a renaissance in the last couple years with new directors, actors and plenty of new well done stories coming out. Even great low budget and some with high studio budgets
I hope you are not talking about the A24 movies.
Aww yes, the “I saw a bad horror movie so it’s all bad and needs to go away” schtick. Horror as a genre tends to have a larger number of bad movies in it because they are notoriously cheap to produce. But being cheap is part of the reason the genre has so much charm amongst its fans, and also how it sometimes attracts genuine talent.
Horror makes up 90% of the movies I watch. If people can’t find good horror, that’s on them. It does exist.
a bad horror movie
No such thing. They’re all good. Some are just good for laughs more than scares.
Look. I love good horror, but almost everything in the Conjuring Universe can just die in a fire and we’d be better off for it. It’s all cheap jump scares. The elements of “dread” that they try and instill are so incredibly cheesy, that it’s so hard to take them seriously.
Maybe instead of jumping to conclusions and making shit up, you could calm down and stay in your lane instead.
Hearing Downey will play Doom actually got me enthusiastic. Conversely, I’m indifferent to Majors being dropped.
Majors is a phenomenal actor, but it’s still too soon and he hasn’t done the work to redeem himself in the public’s eye yet
OOTL, what did he do?
Domestic violence…I read Wikipedia
He was abusive to woman. It’s what ended his career. He was sentenced to some anger management thing for a year. Just recently someone leaked him confessing he did abuse the person.
I’ve never seen an abuser run from a woman but tell me more about this alleged abuse.
I think you replied to the wrong post. This is supposed to be under the one about him defending himself, right?
I dunno though. Abuse is obviously easier in a physical sense from the statistically larger sex, but I’ve seen it go both ways, especially in the sense of both partners being abusive to each other simultaneously. When it comes to celebrities, I will just let the appropriate authorities decide what’s what instead of trying to have an opinion on people I’ve never met. I would feel better knowing that the authorities aren’t often biased by things like racism and sexism, but they’re still better than any zero evidence speculation on my part.
Defended himself from an abuser
Edit: nvm I didn’t follow up on the story since last year
Aptly put. He was amazing in Loki, but it would be better to keep the character and just give the role to someone else.
Has Idris Elba done anything in the MCU yet?
Idris Elba played Heimdall.
Wow, I completely forgot about that. He didn’t really get to do much, though. If RDJ (and a few others) get to be multiple characters, they can certainly recast Elba as someone with more screen time.
I very much doubt RDJ plays multiple characters. It’s been heavily rumored the version of Doom has a connection to Stark.