Was anyone waiting for HP to comment in this space or jump into this game for any reason at all? I feel like their consumer products are absolutely terrible and they are universally hated in that segment, but maybe I’m wrong.
No, but they are a popular mainstream company for those who are less tech savvy. The more of these large companies that do this the more linux gamong will grow, developers will see a need to pay attention to making games work natively on linux. You can hate HP and still see this as a good thing.
Yes fuck HP, one of the worst hardware companies out there, right after Apple.
The last time I considered buying anything from HP was, like, 2001.
Others with lower prices innovated.
Then when HP lowered prices, it was because they loaded up with 3rd party subscription programs pre-installed, went with brittle parts that were expensive to fix, systems were slow from bad drivers, and hid repair info. I think they were the first to DRM their printer cartridges. I think they were the first to start ink subscriptions.
No way I’d own anything from HP.
Now I miss my iPAQ
They do come out with good hardware now and then. Some of their higher end laser printers are reviewed well. At my job we have an HP laser printer that is older than the store that is still chugging along just fine while being used every day.
Their overall quality is so poor though that it is hard to trust anything they put out.
More consumer linux devices are good though.
Their old laser printers were absolute beasts. I was using one with a centronics connector (attached to a network adapter I refurbished) after it had a full life in a school computer lab up until 2012 when the movers broke it.
I find their enterprise laptops to be surprisingly good. I own a refurbished EliteBook and it has really nice keyboard and track pad as well as user-replaceable RAM, SSD and wireless card. My only issue is that most of their enterprise laptops come with screens with 45% support of sRGB, which is trash for web design and photo editing.
Somehow they’ll still make the hinges break
HP? I wouldn’t buy the cure for cancer from them
Would you trust HP to make any kind of consumer hardware which is supposed to run networked and has their own OS variant?
One would expect it would at the very least come pre-enshittified, possibly with some sort of subscription service to enable certain hardware features.
This ain’t the pre-Carly Fiorina HP.
I only really associate HP with corporate machines, which they seem to work fine for. Don’t really associate them with the gaming space. Of course them looking at it is probably a sign that the handheld market is about to really open up, which is a good thing I think.
And if they make a good product with neither their corporate bullshit or all the ‘gamer style’ gimmicks I anticipate from folk like Razer or Alienware.
What I’d really like though is something DIY, or at least Framework-like. A man can dream…
Full on trash. I wipe my ass with HP