A better battery is finally here.
consumers don’t want bigger batteries, this is just a gimmick until it scales; but it has the potential to blow lithium out of the water on cost and consumers do want cheaper shit.
Are the sodium batteries safer than lithium, too? That’s an even bigger factor for me.
I doubt most people have had a bad experience with lithium so they might be (actually they are) safer but the average person literally doesn’t care.
I’ve shorted lithium cells before and even I don’t blink when it comes to carrying one in my pocket all day long.
I agree in the general case, but I’ve met a few Spicy Pillows personally, and would very much like to not do so again, so I do also think safety is a thing at least some people think about.
Just remind everyone of the Galaxy Note 7.
It’s 1.3x physically bigger for 2x the Watts/kg and 10x lifespan.
I’d take that trade off in a phone and definitely take that trade off in a car.