And the Dems will help the GOP do it.
I mean, I was super curious what Sanders could’ve done if he had the chance. Instead, we got the opposite experiment.
If democrats in the US vote for stuff like Biden, then they’re not voting for any radical change. Trump isn’t comparable to that.
Still nothing
Courts wouldn’t even let Biden offer student loan relief
They were only able to because of the way he went about it. He could have simply ordered the Department of Education to immediately forgive the loans and erase any record of the debt, and dared the SCOTUS to order him to create new debts (which he could simply ignore).
Part of not being a dictator is not acting like it, you aren’t going to find a good person acting that way
You’re not going to find a good person who puts following rules written to benefit the capitalist class above freeing people from crippling debt.
Maybe you should hang around left wingers more
Being an evil person to get rid of evil just makes another evil person, you can believe you are good until you die but can you believe the person who comes after you will be?
MLK jr and Gandhi bettered life for their people without violence
uhhh, maybe you should?
left wingers have zero respect for laws and will make the world better and fairer by any means necessary.
as a leftist if I somehow got control of the state I would immediately order for the rounding up and execution of every single person in the country who is either a corporate executive for a top-250 corporation or in possession of assets worth 100 million or more.
because that would be the most efficient way of rapidly reducing the risk of the wealthy wresting back control.
and it would be totally ethical
as for gandhi and MLK, well, india is a fascist dictatorship and, well, how are things looking for black people in the US?
You definitely aren’t a leftist