But Canadian as well, it might help save us from the beast below.
Unrelated but routine reminder that Substack is profiting from nazi content and is funded by A16Z: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/11/substack-extremism-nazi-white-supremacy-newsletters/676156/
The idea that consumer boycott is going to impede that unfolding political apocalypse of a regime is wishful thinking. However, even if somehow the US might return any soon to half-normal (any reasonable person should doubt it at this point), that half-normal should imply severe punishments for the complicity of big American corporations with DT’s regime, such as breaking these corporations apart. That alone should tell you EU can’t depend anymore on US big tech anymore.
That would already be huge if the idea that depending on a foreign nation, no matter how “friendly” it claims to be, only really makes if incentives for the two nations align naturally became more wide-spread among EU governments and organizations.