Only if the wealth is redistributed to the masses though.
Yeah exactly. Normal inheritance means their kids or spouse inherit, and the number of billionaires remains the same.
Fun fact, if I were to inherit the wealth of a billionaire family member who was shot in public I’d get philanthropic real fast!
Many people say this. However of those who talk the talk, barely any ever walk the walk.
However I think if you are born an heir to a billionaire, you’d lack the perspective which might foster selfless philanthropy.
I’d like to think that if someone from the working class would randomly get such money they would. But it still seems unlikely.
Good point, even though the numbers don’t check out.
There were 69 children killed this year. 813 billionaires in the US. It would take almost 12 years.
Edit: These are only the school shootings, not the all deaths of minors