Edit: apparently they’re posters you can download https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1KPaA4jNHcWLFNbjl4M1Q5HxXROnZtYXd
Ironically, I swing by old.shittyplace.com to check out /r/conservative and/or /r/askaconservative every so often to see if any of them are starting to figure it out yet (spoiler alert: they aren’t, or they are celebrating it), and they always have a first page thread about how Reddit is just a liberal recruiting mouthpiece these days etc etc.
Today is no exception.
And for a bonus they have a thread about how Ask Reddit is just out of control with bait for conservatives - I took a peek and there are two current threads that have anything at all to do with conservatives.
The conservative persecution complex is strong, never fear.
Remember, conservative voices must be getting silenced because they never shut the fuck up telling us so.
Demonizing outside influences is common to all cults. It innoculates the cult members to those outside influences, leading them to immediately disregard information that contradicts their cultist beliefs, keeping them trapped within the cult’s echo chamber more effectively. To keep the cultists innoculated, they have to constantly remind them that they and their beliefs are being persecuted and that the only source of truth, is the cult leaders.
That said, how “real” is r/conservative? I just checked it and every single thread is flaired users only. It’s a far more controlled echo chamber than the Donald was in it’s heyday, and when the Sint-Petersburg troll farm was brought offline during the usa elections of 2018, the Donald was gone from reddit’s front page for the duration.
To me it seems like r/conservative is a method of distributing the current narrative to cultists, but it doesn’t require actual input or discussion from those cultists. It seems to actually discourage posting by normal conservative users, since any kind of wrongthink will lead to a ban, and it’s hard to keep up with the changing narratives for normal users, so catching a ban is easy.
Trump is openly preparing to invade both Canada and Mexico and these motherfuckers are bitching about Musk being called what he is!
The party of “fuck your feelings” everyone!
I just got a violent content warning for upvoting someone calling musk a “stupid person’s version of a smart man” on a post about his trucks being vandalized.
Jfc people should be allowed to call dumb people dumb.
I know. I just like pretending to have a miniscule amount of hope.
I’m about at my wits end with Reddit as a regular user. I have 2 accounts that I’ve used there for a while. One of them is my main user account, the other I use mostly to mod some subs.
My main account recently caught a 7 day ban because of their stupid new “Violence” bullshit. It’s so targeted, and blatantly obvious that it really only applies to comments about certain things. They removed the comment that supposedly triggered it, but all I was was
Hey Leon, you remember when you hit the cybertruck with a baseball bat? Why don’t you go fuck yourself with it.
That’s it, that’s all I said. You could post that same comment directed at an actual Reddit user, and not catch a ban.
Don’t misunderstand me here. I am not now, nor have a I ever been under the delusion that Reddit was the bastion of free speech they tried to claim for years. But seriously, they need to get their fucking heads out of their fucking asses.
Removing stuff from reddit will make people look for alternatives, good for lemmy.
Started to notice the censorship…tried to warn others…got banned…came here
I got perma banned from my OG account for engaging with ruzzian trolls. Apparently telling them they’d look good fertilizing sunflowers, and digging babushka a fresh latrine pit is “promoting violence”. No warnings, just straight to ban. Reddit allows obvious ruzzian gas lighters, but bans those who call them out. That is Reddit today, a hotbed of ruzzian and nazi propaganda.
There has been a recent flood of pro-russia pro-trump moderators in almost all the reddit subs i frequent. I also just got a permanant ban for evasion to post this. “It wasn’t enought to just amplify the idiots voices, they have to smother the voices of reason and doubt” Apparently that was uncivil way to speak about the mods.
Reddit has gone the way of Twitter…
i got temp ban, for reporting trolls, lol. apparently reporting more than once in arbitrary amount of time, is considered report abuse. its the same type of comments you hear from .ml false, pushing a botty narrative.
That’s what I got banned for, though mine was permanent.
I got perma banned for being too mean to MAGAs
alot of politics and news subs have been co-opted by right leaning people.
You hurt their feelings!
Yea, it’s not difficult to do that. They’re more sensitive than a clit.
Empathy and clits - two things MAGA never find
you probably offended u/Spez on his alt account .
Me as well and then I got banned later for evading the band
So when does Reddit run out of users?
Better question. When does reddit run out of real users.
Everyone of us that gets banned gets replaced by 3 ruzzian bots. So never. But when does the public realize that reddit is an echo chamber of polarizing bots? dunno.
Same here, I simply made a comment about “the Muscovites receiving a dose of their own medicine” and fucking Russian shill, Putin Bot and/or MAGAt reported me. To top it off, I did not use a single swear word in the comment. Fuck Russia and Reddit.
It’s hilarious how magats don’t like free speech when it’s directed against them. Bunch of loathesome pussies.
i always commented on many of those subs, how alot of them are just russian bots/trolls, and people respond to these posts like its an actual person doing it, no its all russia. Half of the comments are more than likely russian bots, if reddit actually DOES ITS JOBS, reddit would be a very quiet place. i get that theres alot from US propaganda farms, but it pales in comparison to russia.
you can say russian. you dont need the weird edits here.
The ‘z’ for me emphasizes the fact that not all russians are war hungery, ignorant ruzzians. Just like all Americans are not Magatz
Always with the lame death threats from a basement. It’s the one rule of reddit.
There was no death threat from me, and what else do you suggest when dealing with a gas lighter or out and out liar? Just lie back and take it?
So desperate to even be Zuckerberg relevant pathetic
I’m trying to understand this comment. What exactly do you mean?
Reddit is a massive social media, and Spez seems desperate to be at the same table as the likes of Zuckerberg. I think this sort of behaviour highlights it.
Yeah that makes sense now. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. I agree, it’s pathetic. I was thinking you meant Elon and was confused.
Just left reddit…getting used to lemm.ee now
i saw .ML and .WORld, WEVE been told to avoid .ml, and world i cant even get registered anyways, and since you can just use account on this one and look world post.
If I’m not feeling Lemm.ee what should I use?
I’ve been eyeing db0
Reddit sure loves to protect U.S. fascists.
all the big media corporations do. so weird. probably a coincidence.
I feel like everyone here either doesn’t like Reddit or has been permanently banned. Like me lmfao
probably the latter, i was permabanned on 5+accs at once, when i was temp banned on an old one. found out reditt was deliberately doing a massive sweep to eliminate as much accounts as possible early FEB.
too risky to even make a new account or even comment on most sub with my only one that is partially flagged. i tested by commented a bunch on a niche sub that isnt monitored heavily by filters or mods.
From my research last night, mid-late FEB was when all the pro trump mods got intoduced to popular subs.
That’s an interesting point. I wonder how many Lemmy users have had nothing to do with Reddit. I can’t imagine that many
I still have a Reddit account but I’ve not logged in since the API business. I really don’t miss it.
It’s become pretty clear that Reddit has chosen to slide into corpo-fascism. Don’t be surprised when signs of dissent are squashed, when rebellious subreddits are systematically suppressed until they’re removed entirely, when the accounts of those who resist are closed and IP banned. Abandon all hope of free expression there, they’ve chosen their side and aren’t going to entertain the opposition any longer.
After 12 years, and nearly a million karma, i was permabanned right after HitlerPig was inaugurated, for repeating an opinion that i have stated many times. Nobody ever said a word until HitlerPig was in office, then suddenly I was permabanned. I came over to Lemmy, only to find i wasn’t alone.
I suspect the reason is because Ohanion wamts to buy TikTok, and he knows that HitlerPig will be making the decision personally, based on who smooches his ass, follows his orders, and pays the biggest bribe. So as a show of good faith, he abandons Reddit’s doctrine of Free Speech.
This is the advantage of decentralized platforms like Lemmy. One billionaire can’t screw things up for millions of users. They would have to take over all 600 Instances in many different countries to control it.
And then someone would just make a new instance or platform anyways lol
So where do I go raise hell with my reddit accounts that have not yet been banned? Automod seems to catch me fast at high pop subs for posts… But maybe the answer is making comments. Idk.
Why does everyone still care so much about what Reddit does?
We all just got banned and remembered we had lemmy accounts, need somewhere to commiserate.
Maybe because it’s the reddit thread?
i think people were getting permabanned for the slightest indiscretion, or even the current reddit anti-luigi campaign.
So, again… who cares? It’s Reddit.
I’m not trying to be argumentative at all, I’m genuinely asking why does anyone care that Reddit is turning full-fascist?
Was everyone not aware this was the direction they were going in?
Yes, I do, they are training the AI’s on it. I was just having some break throughs using AI to cut through the fox news info sphere. I do not want to see the AI start spewing kremlin talking points.
Not every subreddit is turning fascist. It’s still a lifeline for a lot of people with certain health issues, or an evergreen repository for niche hobbies that is more complete than anywhere else with active communities that are helpful to newbies.
It’s a huge ask getting people that are getting legitimate help and advice over there to move to a Lemmy community that lacks all the historical information and enough activity that helps people in a timely way.
I know because I’m asking overthere. And a lot of people stuck there aren’t closet conservatives, trolls, or bots, they are sharing protest hat patterns, talking about how to get legal treatments that might get banned, and providing information and resources on how to get urgent location-banned medical care, i.e. abortions.
they are sharing protest hat patterns, talking about how to get legal treatments that might get banned, and providing information and resources on how to get urgent location-banned medical care, i.e. abortions.
Even more reason to leave. I understand the hurdles but none of that is remotely safe to discuss on reddit anymore.
Fuck reddit.
Hell yeah brother.
Hey, how about we leave the needless gendering of everything on reddit maybe? Gentle reminder that not everything needs to be gendered and (especially on Lemmy) there are lots of folks who might be put off in some way by this, because it feels very much (at least to me) like something (particularly white cishet) dudes say to each other and not something that applies to folks of all genders and communities, like “friend” for example. Not trying to imply that you are any of those things (even someone who is okay being called dude, I’m not calling you that, intending to be giving a vibe on the statement without judging you) just that that’s what I think of when I see that and I wouldn’t necessarily mind if someone said it to me (especially in person; I’m currently masc presenting at the least, not sure yet where I actually land) but thinking of others who might feels like something that happens on Lemmy that differentiates the community at large from reddit. Not saying it’s always like that, check my recent comments if you want to see examples of how some folks are def still trolling here, but it’s better and I hope we can continue to wear that diversity and respect as a badge of honor sort of.
Sorry dude, these are commonly used expressions for like the last 60 years man. Why don’t you just enjoy the wide range of words used to communicate between humans friend? The history of our language. Hell ya brother should be read in the voice of Macho Man Randy savage. It adds some flair to the words when the reader understands the context.
We should try to celebrate diversity instead of enforce conformity. Especially when it comes to communicating and language.
enforce conformity
I don’t see where I said I would like to enforce anything, please point out exactly what you’re referring to. [1]
We should try to celebrate diversity
Yeah, that’s what I said too, when I was explaining in a very clear and solutions focused way to someone else the ways they can, you know, actually do that by respecting folks who may feel left out when it’s so common to assume everyone is a man behind a computer, which is the opposite of “celebrating diversity”.
This feels intentionally (and unnecessarily) disrespectful after I just made it clear I do not think that type of language is inclusive to everyone.
Why don’t you just enjoy
We should
Please don’t talk to me that way. I’m very happy with my life and don’t need to be told what to do or enjoy.
It adds some flair
Nothing wrong with flair.
when the reader understands the context
Yeah that’s the problem. Not every reader will immediately understand that context, and if they don’t, in this example specifically just for a hypothetical, say because they’re gen-z (too young to get the ref) or autistic (more direct communication is better understood) or something, they may think this is just some place where everyone assumes everyone else is a man or a dude, like reddit.
The history of our language.
Hwæt, hwæt þu ne spræce swā gif þu þearft on gemyndum habban þæs þe ær gewāt?
ETA: Footnotes since y’all are so intent on misunderstanding:
- More specifically, I didn’t say that they should change the comment, or use any language that can (IMO) be reasonably interpreted as trying to “enforce” anything. My intention is as stated: a gentle reminder of what makes the community feel cohesive and inclusive to me and I’m certain there are others who feel the same way.
Removed by mod
I’m very happy actually :) thank you for your concern.
With the rise of authoritarianism, I feel like this is the exact kind of behavior that pushed enough people to the far right to get trump elected.
Did you ever stop and wonder if you put these tireless crusades down perhaps we wouldn’t all be threatened by our own government right now?
Don’t worry about me friend, I’m looking after my community and my loved ones and myself, but you are right that authoritarianism is the real threat, and the best way to counter that is community organizing, which is what I spend my time doing. Not saying that because I feel the need to tout my accomplishments, I feel I have a very healthy self image. But you do seem confused about where to direct your efforts so just so you know, that’s what I recommend.
Well do focus on the tone when organizing in the community. You should be analyzing your messaging to make sure its effective and reaching the widest amount of people it can.
What you’ve shown me is a fragile ego and an inability to take criticism. As well as a narrow focus on inconsequential formalities that will only alienate the general public. So I beg thee to consider your approach to what ever organizing you are doing and ask yourself if it represents the people you are trying to protect.
Are we going to cancel idioms too because ESL folks will get comically lost without context? Or should we use idioms and explain them or allow google to do such? Are we going to draw the line on broken english which can be easy to misunderstand as well? Just seems like a weird line to draw right now.
Popculture references are always going to be an important part of communication. I enjoyed learning the context of 1960-1970s lingo my parents used. If it’s so important to you, add some polite context about under the comment for people to understand. I believe your OP comment was asking for us to leave the gendered language on reddit, and I don’t think its a fair request to ask people to change how they communicate to conform with what you precieve makes others more comfortable.
This feels intentionally (and unnecessarily) disrespectful after I just made it clear I do not think that type of language is inclusive to everyone.
Congrats, you got the point of why they did it! They don’t care that you think it isn’t inclusive because you don’t dictate what is and isn’t inclusive. Male pronouns being used as gender-neutral ones is very old, and you sound exactly like the weirdos who can’t handle “they” as a pronoun for a person
Again: you don’t get to enforce conformity my guy
Again: you don’t get to enforce conformity my guy
Again: please show me where I said anything that even suggests that. My language was as respectful as possible and most folks who are not assholes wouldn’t take issue with it. Y’all are actually trying to tell me that I don’t get to say what feels inclusive to me, and that’s literally trying to enforce conformity, my guy.