Pull the plug out, or if you’re like me. Attach a lamp chord switch to the chord of the monitor and just turn it off that way. Can’t turn itself on if it doesn’t have any power.
Depends on the brand my Asus tuf monitors never do that shit thankfully
Ooh how is Gimp3? I haven’t tried it out yet
Are there monitors that can override their power button?
I had power buttons on one set of monitors in the worst possible spot, so I would leave them on after turning off my computer and just let them sleep. I quickly found out that every 15 minutes or so the monitors would come out of sleep shining all the glorious light into my face as I was trying to sleep. I since fixed the issue by turning off the power at the outlet.
a relay on the powerline feeding it
I have a cable box with a switch on my desk. When I turn it off everything is off.
i just unplug everything
That works too.
Oh is it display port causing this? I’ve been trying to work out why one of my monitors does this even whole the pc is off for a while.
I think it’s an AMD driver bug on Linux.
I’m having this issue on my windows box so that won’t be related. It’s also happening when the machine is fully turned off so I wouldnt expect any drivers to be doing anything.
awww i luv kritaaaa+ <3 3 <3< ~ <3<3<33<33