The materialism podcast has stopped, but is absolutely worth listening to the backlog. It’s a material science podcast.
The materialism podcast has stopped, but is absolutely worth listening to the backlog. It’s a material science podcast.
A rogue like that erases your skills as well.
Of all the worlds we’ve seen, when and where would you prefer to be put, assuming you have the same likelihood as a random person to have access to the magic system)?
I would probably want to be put on either Sel (specifically the area with soul stamps from the emperor’s soul, since that’s the only magic I can think of that everyone can use) or the world from Yumi and the nightmare painter (since that’s just a relatively normal near-modern city).
With full steel and iron, and knowledge of the lynchpin spike, you might be able to take them all out before running out, depending on how much steel you have.