5 hours agopeople would rather be broke, jobless, the opposite of free, and be regarded as stupid–rather than simply admit they made a major life-wrecking mistake
tell your dad that i, for one, hope he enjoys his suffering
people would rather be broke, jobless, the opposite of free, and be regarded as stupid–rather than simply admit they made a major life-wrecking mistake
tell your dad that i, for one, hope he enjoys his suffering
GOP then: “i’m voting for trump because he’ll make everything cheaper!!!”
GOP now: “REAL americans are happy to overpay for everything for dear great leader trump!!!”
entry level job; salary range $30,000 - $150,000 depending on qualifications and experience; 10 yrs experience required; high school diploma required, Phd preferred
apply today!
yea, no.
look where all this “let’s be nice to the very fine people on the nazi side” and tolerance and patience and we’re not going to publish this article because it’ll hurt trump’s feelings has gotten us today. excuse me, but fuck that shit.
you can say i’m a bad person if that makes you feel better, but fuck trump, and fuck everyone who voted for this bullshit that everyone has to deal with now