D’uh, if a horse had made the drawing, it would be a horse-drawn horse-drawn carriage.
I had to clip this myself because the days of being able to find literally every scene of every episode of My Little Pony on Youtube are long gone. Fuck me, please stop time.
u wll not beliv, but horses actually did!!! :o
lik -.,. - the carriage has weels n hors go “bak-babuk-babak-babak-babuk” an then they go forwrd!!! :o
realiti is crrrzy i alsuu thoght carriages were lik a mystery animl but nuuuu their reel
Clearly it is electric powered.
Unless this horse had gimp 3.0 in
handhoofSusan drew that and Susan’s pronouns are hoof/hooves’.
Unless the artist was a brony.
You’re not allowed to draw that good unless you put enough points into your hands such that you get the thumbs perk. It’s a skill-tree unlock.
bruh thats why the call em horseless carriages