This is why some form of multi-select is needed on ballots. Maybe rank the candidates by which is your favorite. Maybe checkboxes for every candidate you’re okay with winning.
Or just do a normal proportional parliament in which each party gets as many seats relative to how many votes it gets.
I mean that doesn’t work for Presidential elections, you need Ranked Choice voting for that, but still, having a real democracy for the parliaments instead of FPTP would be much better.
This is why some form of multi-select is needed on ballots. Maybe rank the candidates by which is your favorite. Maybe checkboxes for every candidate you’re okay with winning.
Or just do a normal proportional parliament in which each party gets as many seats relative to how many votes it gets.
I mean that doesn’t work for Presidential elections, you need Ranked Choice voting for that, but still, having a real democracy for the parliaments instead of FPTP would be much better.