That stings, but not quite as much as century as with that my brain now has to go through the process of determining which century when it never had to before.
Century has that human element because “last century” is where old people are from. You wouldn’t meet people from the last millennium, but you know people from the last century. It’s 100 years, that’s a lifetime. Implying that you’re from the “last” one means you’re not from “this” one. Aka, ancient.
Which sounds worse:
From last millenium.
“1900s” makes me think they’re referring to the decade of 1900-1909 😅
Because the student is misusing the term.
They aren’t? “Late 1900s” would be the latter 3rd of the century. 1994 would be in that latter third, so they are using it correctly.
Early 1990s would be more appropriate wording 😂
Not what you asked, but I find turn of the century most jarring.
Turn of the millennium?
That stings, but not quite as much as century as with that my brain now has to go through the process of determining which century when it never had to before.
Century has that human element because “last century” is where old people are from. You wouldn’t meet people from the last millennium, but you know people from the last century. It’s 100 years, that’s a lifetime. Implying that you’re from the “last” one means you’re not from “this” one. Aka, ancient.
you never learnt about stuff that took place a bit after the industrial revolution?
You’re right. put it better.