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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/EnigmaGuy on 2025-03-20 00:44:08+00:00.

I used to have a bit of respect for my manager, as he would seemingly try to go to bat for the overall team when issues would arise that were out of our control, but recently its just kind of been on the decline and after today I think it is just gone.

A team-lead level coworker has been having to deal with his mothers rapidly declining health for the last two months, and the worse of it within the last 2 or 3 weeks. He’s still somehow been able to work to an extent with all of it going on, sending updates and delegating work which I have no idea how he was able to juggle all of it myself.

Our boss went on vacation last week Wednesday and just came back today, and on Friday night / Saturday morning the co-workers mother passed away.

First thing the boss went on a tangent about? Getting phone calls while off (we’re in the middle of a hectic build event) but instead of focusing more on the program team management and engineers calling him, he decided to mention how “Coworker kept trying to get ahold of me while I was at breakfast on Saturday, it was aggravating that they just kept trying to call”.

Like, damn man - he was probably just trying to call to let you know his mother passed and that he was not going to be in so you could find coverage since you left NO instructions on who to report to with you gone.

Later on today when he got through his emails he came up and asked why I was CC’ing him on one of the projects. Told him I just assumed he would be delegating it to someone and overseeing it since coworker has been off and I figured they would be off the rest of the week dealing with family stuff.

He scoffed and said coworker should be back tomorrow, as the company only gives 3 bereavement days for a parent.


Told him while that is technically the policy, guy has been here for over 20 years and has like 5 weeks of vacation time and another week of personal time, kind of expected he would fill in and just take the week off to process and make arrangements.

Sure enough, not even 20 minutes later he gets a phone call and then starts hemming and hawing about how it was coworker and they are taking the rest of the week off (shocker, I know). This guy shook his head and said ‘people are something these days…’

I had to walk away as I am already on thin ice from two weeks ago - just wondering if this is a common theme at other workplaces.

Almost forgot! At the end of the day heard this turd telling someone if they needed him tomorrow to send him a Teams message as he was WFH after already being off on vacation for a week!