Today’s game is Far Cry 3. I’ve been wanting to play this for the longest time after hearing so many positive things about this one specifcally, and after picking up 5 while on sale, and i guess this came with the bundle so i decided to play it after Red Dead 2.
I didn’t get very far out of the opening, but my first impressions of the villian were that i really like him. He’s that kind of deranged i feel like we don’t get very often, and when we do i feel like they usually get a redemption arc of some kind. I really like how unhinged he seems, it really makes him feel intimidating as a villian (which is honestly something Far Cry seems to do well from the other ones i’ve played).
Graphically it looks awesome too. At the native settings it would have had around 2012 it didn’t look to great, but after raising it to the max it looks really good. It can be crazy how future proofed older games are with graphic options. Ubisoft around this time especially seemed to do this with their games. I remember Black Flag being the exact same way
The villain from FC3 is the best one in any game to date for me, he’s so well written and voice acted!
My only gripe with the game is that it likes to get you high every so often and those sequences (except the ones closer to the ending) feel like a shore
I just got to the first High experience, it gave very Alice in Wonderland vibes. It was fun but I can see how it can get old very quickly.
Michael Mando aka Nacho Varga from better call Saul. Guy needs to be in more stuff. He’s fun to watch for sure.
This was his breakout and now everyone expects his fake accent! But definitely Chek out his little live action FC3 scene where he tortures McLovin if not already seen (assuming it holds up as well as I remember, being a decade later and a decade older)
FC3 was the first to make drug trips part of story progression (leaving a little leeway for FC2’s malaria bouts). FC4 had a lot of “spiritual” events. FC5 played a lot with Bliss trips. I’m wrapping up FC6 now and was just saying “man, where are all the hallucinatory story arcs?”. Then I did the Oluso mission (panther amigo) and felt at home for a minute. It didn’t last long, but I guess the reward is bringing back a little supernatural power to the game, late in the campaign.
Graphically it looks awesome too. At the native settings it would have had around 2012 it didn’t look to great, but after raising it to the max it looks really good. It can be crazy how future proofed older games are with graphic options.
One of the best things I’ve found for cleaning up older games is DLDSR. Hell, I try to use it on any game I can get away with, but on older games especially it’s great because you have so much excess FPS to play with that it’s basically free. The anti-aliasing effect of it is especially nice on older games and typically much better than the native AA solution.
Great game
Far Cry 3 is probably my favourite of the series I’ve played.
Favourite Far Cry 2 and 3 are the best of the bunch imho
4 is probably one of my favorites but in the brief time i’ve spent with 3 it’s definitely a close contender
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is.
Enjoy! Great game
I tried playing this game on the PS3 only to be put off by the drops to 9fps. The game is borderline unplayable on the PS3. I still need to try the PS4 version. I’d buy it on Steam if Ubisoft didn’t require an account.
Jesus, i know low FPS was the standard for the PS3/Xbox 360 era but 9 FPS sounds abysmal. I had no clue it was that bad on PS3
Also worth mentioning I have an original fat model which may or may not make a difference depending on who you ask. Also I was “measuring” by eye. It was probably the lowest framerate I had seen a console game run. You would have to be way more patient than me to play through it in that state. I hear Silent Hill Homecoming is pretty bad too, I played it through emulation so I can’t say.
I know the OG fat is known for having a few issues, I can’t imagine it causes that big of a performance problem though so it must be the game. I just repasted my Slim model so i might give both it and Silent Hill Homecoming a try just to see for myself
Shit like this is why people pirate. Not saying you should do that but IMO it’s a legitimate reason.
I’m already paying you money for a SINGLE PLAYER game and you want me to pay MORE with my data? Fuck off, Ubisoft