3 years ago I needed a new computer and decided on an 16 inch M1 Macbook Pro, but did lots of overthinking about if I wanted to stick to it. I tried Asahi Linux didn’t have any reasons at the time to use linux over macOS (but there was always the chance I might later), the build quality is 2nd to none, none of my Windows laptops lasted more than a few years.

3 years later, I’ve really been itching to switch to Linux. Two of several reasons: because its DEs are more customizable, it has better documented accessibility APIs if you want to make keyboard navigation software. I reinstalled Asahi Linux and really tried to make it my daily driver, but the lacks of apps would require me to dual boot: Photoshop and Roblox.

I researching again for computers closest to Macbook Pros but none of them come close to its build quality. I think it would be best for me to make my own desktop PC for linux. I don’t think I’d fare well with another windows laptop brand.

  • LiveLM@lemmy.zip
    6 days ago

    To be fair, your issue seems more to be software based than hardware.
    I should warn you that even if you do get a x86 laptop, Photoshop is rather janky under Wine and Roblox could find a way to kill the Vinegar client in the future.
    I’d recommend you borrow a friend’s machine and give it a spin, you might unfortunately not be off the dual-booting hook just yet…