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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/ilovelampOG on 2025-03-19 22:26:10+00:00.

I’m in a manager role of a healthcare practice. Recruitment process is a nightmare and the concerns I’ve voiced since starting almost came to fruition over the weekend (staff called out and we would potentially need to shut down the clinic if not resolved).

On Monday, after HR posted a job without me first reviewing it, I asked HR if we could clearly define who is responsible for each step in the recruiting cycle. This morning I got a nasty response accusing me of jumping the chain of Command, with the CEO copied in on the response.

To make it clear, I report to a director, who reports to the CEO. Sooooo how did I overstep when I asked HR about recruiting? Who else was I to ask? I feel that looping in the CEO is jumping “the chain”. Our HR is a freaking mess, and the leadership is protecting their feelings instead of focusing on company functionality and performance.

I like the job, the physicians, and staff, but HR is making it impossible to be successful. Luckily I’m financially secure and have other streams of income so if i get fired I’mfine, but I don’t want to stress over asking a legitimate question.