Similar to my post about Canadian web hosting a few weeks back, I’m looking for Canadian registrar(s) that you’ve personally used and wholeheartedly recommend. Ideally something with cheap transfers. Thank you kindly.
Try asking over at !, you might get more responses there
I just switched my .ca domains to They were the chespest I found for Canadian domains. Had to contact them, they had a fast response time and they were helpful. I had a .cc domain too, but I decided I wasn’t renewing it and swapped for a .ca instead.’s been mine… uh, I think they’re Canadian .never mind, Thanks to puppinstuff for the correctionThey are headquartered in Toronto but owned by parent company Tucows which are American.
I’ve used canhost recently and can’t complain - they offered fairly cheap .ca domains compared to what I could find elsewhere.
Thanks! This is who I ended up going with.
I’ve been using EasyDNS for like 20 years now I think. A long ti e at any rate. They’re based out of Etobicoke.