My job role is a Technical Lead. When researching some cloud technologies for adoption I came across the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s Landscape web page which lists all cloud technologies that come under their umbrella.
The sheer number and variety of them made me realise that perhaps players of games like Magic The Gathering or Dota would probably feel right at home when designing cloud applications since the job involves identifying apps that synergize with each other and min-maxing their costs.
So I was curious if there were more such examples where gaming skill could translate well to real life jobs?
Its the hardest and best MMO to not play.
The gist is basicly it has the most complex in-game player organizations/managment and shockingly few “rules”. Your not allowed to RMT*, dont cheat the game client, and your not allowed to impersonate a dev/mod. Beyond that, go nuts, so the space conflict is real, the politics is real, the espionage is real. The actual game is very math focused, and slow (the server runs at a 1hz tick, most other MMOs are 60+) and that allows those big fights that make mainstream gamer news as armies of 10k angry nerds all try to murder their space rivals.
TLDR: I love the game. The people there are some of the most intense MMO players out there, its not everyones cup of tea because its spreadsheets in spaceships.
One thing I’m wondering is what part players play. From what I understand Eve doesn’t really have any kind of power fantasy to offer players, it’s pure business? Does that mean every player eventually becomes a cog in one of the big machines that run the world of Eve, much like in real life?
Functionally yes, being a worker bee in a large alliance is probably the most normal MMO expirence you can get. Fleets are called, you will have your own corp leaders that act as HR for the alliance, you go farm the space or just chat in stations with your friends. The power fantasy is there as well, but the process to get there involves being much more specialized and flying expensive things (Titans are 2k$ golden space coffins).
The nice part is being a cog is optional, but recommended, its a much more social game. Hell, ive been to several of my former corp mates weddings, and the Iceland/Las Vegas convention manyl times. The stress about going it alone mostly stems from the games rules of engagment. In a majority of star systems (anything not High Security space, but that opens up a new can of issues), if your alone, you truely are alone and people in the local system should be treated as hostile by default (if you can even see they are there).
It really does sound like a second job. Complete with work conventions and chats in the break room/water cooler until you have to get back to work. I suppose there would be a sort power fantasy in being able to buy a fancy yacht for oneself.
You are 100% correct. Im semi-retired (winning) from the game and while I remember my time cosplaying as a space bureaucrat fondly and will attempt to get involved every year or so. I do not wish some of aspects of that game on my worst enemies.