usa occupant here. for the love of everything good, please push back on any disinformation like your lives depend on it.
talk to neighbors, carry leaflets with you to bolster valid, verifiable facts - and hand them liberally to anyone misinformed. this is now a matter of national security for canada.
an informed electorate makes informed choices - whatever those choices may be, at least make them from a place of concensus truth. the us has not done this for a long while now.
Now is the time to be getting information from Canadian Owned and Operated media.
There will be disinformation campaigns unlike any other election.
usa occupant here. for the love of everything good, please push back on any disinformation like your lives depend on it.
talk to neighbors, carry leaflets with you to bolster valid, verifiable facts - and hand them liberally to anyone misinformed. this is now a matter of national security for canada.
an informed electorate makes informed choices - whatever those choices may be, at least make them from a place of concensus truth. the us has not done this for a long while now.