Joy Reid interviews Ta-Nahisi Coates
Okay now, what’s the fucking “reason” (pretext ? bribe ?) to butcher and torture childrens by the thousands, for years, while silencing them so to deny them and relatives any hope ?
Coates argues that America is/was racist towards Jews:
In 1924, Congress passed a law to set immigration quotas by country andlimit total immigration to about164,000 people per year. The quotas were designed to “protect” America’s “racial stock” by severely limiting “undesirable” immigrants, including Jews, Asians, and Africans. There were no quotas for immigrants from North or South America. source
title :
America Never Cared About Israel Or Jewish People,
humm, lets say, ok.
Here’s The Real Reason They Are Funding Genocide !
i wish there were no good reasons to do that