Big tough oil men turn into limpwristed traitors who knuckle under when Trump calls to them. Fucking embarrassing.
Nationalize the oil already. Get the foreign corporations and their brain dead lackeys out.
Big tough oil men turn into limpwristed traitors who knuckle under when Trump calls to them. Fucking embarrassing.
Nationalize the oil already. Get the foreign corporations and their brain dead lackeys out.
A proper headline would be “Premier Smith has another whiny little O&G hissy fit, admits she’s been a separatist all along.”
Fucking Nazi scumbag is destroying our province faster than ever, and the rural vote keeps supporting her because “fuck them trans weirdos.”
I have some sympathy for the hard left in the US right now, because how they’re being treated by the rest of the world is how Alberta as a whole is being treated by the rest of Canada.
Maybe it’s justified, I don’t know anymore. Smith should be charged with High Treason when she comes back from Florida at the end of this month, but instead our American-owned media will fawn over her for ‘decisive leadership’ and ‘putting Alberta first.’
We’re trying folks, we’re trying in Alberta to stop her.