No explicit source, but it’s common sense and within their abilities, keep in mind recently changed rules around searching in general have changed recently…
Border agent: I’m going to search your phone give me the password.
(eventually you agree because it’s a burner)
You: Here you go
Border agent: There’s nothing on this phone, no email, no pictures, nothing? What are you trying to hide?
You: Well it’s a new phone I just got
Border agent: And you haven’t logged into anything yet?
You: Ya.
Border agent: looks like you’re trying to hide something, this isn’t normal behaviour
You: start looking nervous as the border agent’s tone changes
Border agent: You’re looking a little nervous now, are you hiding something?
You: no, just trying to travel
Border agent: Goes away and talks to someone, then comes back and says, sorry were going to deny you.
They can deny anyone for any reason. It would ultimately come down to how you handle the situation, but DO expect to be grilled about it if you haven’t set it up to look real.
If you bring a burner phone and they search it and see nothing on it, they’ll think that suspicious too and might deny entry.
No explicit source, but it’s common sense and within their abilities, keep in mind recently changed rules around searching in general have changed recently…
Border agent: I’m going to search your phone give me the password.
(eventually you agree because it’s a burner)
You: Here you go
Border agent: There’s nothing on this phone, no email, no pictures, nothing? What are you trying to hide?
You: Well it’s a new phone I just got
Border agent: And you haven’t logged into anything yet?
You: Ya.
Border agent: looks like you’re trying to hide something, this isn’t normal behaviour
You: start looking nervous as the border agent’s tone changes
Border agent: You’re looking a little nervous now, are you hiding something?
You: no, just trying to travel
Border agent: Goes away and talks to someone, then comes back and says, sorry were going to deny you.
They can deny anyone for any reason. It would ultimately come down to how you handle the situation, but DO expect to be grilled about it if you haven’t set it up to look real.
Fill it with Cat photos 😼
I’ve heard past suggestions of things like Goatse