An intro to Russian propaganda with some words of wisdom at the end.
Very good analysis and summarization.
I don’t know whether to downvote or upvote this… on the one hand it contains some interesting insights and we need to talk more about what Putin is trying to do to us, but on the other hand the video is very US-centric and oversimplifies everything to seemingly arbitrary bullet-points.
For example, the video divides Russian propaganda in “for Russians” and “for West” as if the Kremlin didn’t have a specific strategy for each and every western nation and ignored non-western states altogether (but of course “for West” really means “for the US” and the rest of the world doesn’t matter).
and ignored non-western states altogether
I haven’t watched the video yet, but I don’t think it’s true that Russia does not target non-western countries. (So much negation!)
While I’m not sure about the scale, I remember Russia being particularly active in Africa, including with their private military, and African countries falling for the criticism of EU or NATO military/peace-keeping support.
Pretty sure previous commenter’s nested negatives meant “russia DOES dopropaganda in non western states as well as major western nations”
I see what you mean
“and [as if] ignored non-western states altogether”
It would be good to have the channel name in the description. I’m very unlikely to click on anything unless I have a reasonably clear idea who it’s from.
Channel name: Vlad Vexler
My mission is to guide you through the political challenges we all face in the 21st century.
I’m a philosopher. My academic life focuses on the concept of freedom and I’m writing a book about Isaiah Berlin. I’m a British citizen living in London. I was born in Soviet Russia - I left before the collapse of the USSR. I continue to closely analyse Russian politics.