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Wir legen außerdem die Basis für ‘Streaming OS’, unserer vertieften Zusammenarbeit mit der ARD."
OS? Wir das ein Betriebssystem? Für was steht das OS?
lassen ein intuitives Nutzungserlebnis für alle Zielgruppen entstehen
dieses Marketingsprech 🤢
Ist ja gut dass man sich die Mühen und Änderungen macht, aber diese Präsentation ruft in mir reflektionsartig leider das Gegenteil aus und ich muss mich auf die etwas bessere Änderungsliste davor zurückbesinnen.
Mir sagt weder Go-Ahead Bayern noch Averio etwas!?
I mainly use three Lemmy accounts. Sections content/themes.
I signed up for… maybe 8 Lemmy, maybe 12 Fediverse things?
Dubious and disagree downvotes. But that’s always been here already. That became pretty clear to me pretty fast.
Ich war verwirrt vom “In eigener Sache” und was das mit Lemmy/uns hier zu tun hat.
253 Tausend mal? Dann würde der Knopf nicht mehr so schön aussehen.
Ich finde es gut. So haben wir diese tolle Story erhalten.
Lieber einfach zuzuspammen und dies dann gleichzeitig einfach zu erkennen.
IP limit ist ja auch nicht wirklich sicher. Und wer schon automatisiert, wovon wir bei 253 k ausgehen können, der kann sich auch ein paar IPs mieten/durchleiten.
“manipuliert worden sein könnte”
lol! 253 Tausend Stimmen von zwei IPs aus den USA. Und die nennen es trotzdem nicht beim Namen? Offensichtlicher korrekt kann es doch garnicht sein.
Putin supporting the divisive Trump here plays Trump’s narcissistic ego and strengthens his position as a disruptor of the western coalition and Ukraine, the other parties involved in the process.
Maybe it’s a good thing. Or maybe it’s a small thing that makes no difference. Putin left everything open. He didn’t restrict his maneuverability at all.
I considered calling it “maybe an important symbol”. But Putin always manipulates and plays with those. So calling it that would only play in his hands.
Could be that the number is just so low it doesn’t necessarily indicate a systematic issue yet. I’m sure a few have always been held because of inadequate documents or whatever.
Of course, we can all see the political shift, and it’s horrible for the people involved. I would have liked to see a more loud and bold response. But for an institution maybe it’s not that time yet, until they know what the accusations and proceedings are.
Time to give out travel warnings(?).
Channel name: Vlad Vexler
My mission is to guide you through the political challenges we all face in the 21st century.
I’m a philosopher. My academic life focuses on the concept of freedom and I’m writing a book about Isaiah Berlin. I’m a British citizen living in London. I was born in Soviet Russia - I left before the collapse of the USSR. I continue to closely analyse Russian politics.
Very good analysis and summarization.
I’m a bit skeptical about this argument because autocratic states love to hold practically fake and forced elections with 90 or 99 % approval and use that as justification.
I’m not sure even with a successful election and it going to the democrats we’ll be able to tell. At least from today’s view. It will largely depend on how institutions and the justice/court system can hold out against the current administration right now and during this phase.
I feel like they may have already created damage that won’t be cleared just from one election or one election period’s fixups.
At the same time, hopefully, this is the wake-up call for opposition and a transformation one way or another. It’s plainly obvious what is happening now, and I am hoping opposition will become more apparent and prevalent because of it. Not just in citizens, but institutions too.
What does PSL stand for?
French: “We can do both!”
Being thankful for past involvement is not mutually exclusive to being disappointed in the current lack of shared values. The US is a different thing now than it was back then.
Content curation.
I upvote or leave neutral opinions and arguments I disagree with if they’re well argued or otherwise contribute to discussion and strengthen respectful discourse.
I don’t know how you feel when your posts get sum-negative scores, but it makes me feel rejected and makes me not want to participate. I receive it as a social indicator. I see it as something that leads us towards echo chambers.