• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2024

  • Channel name: Vlad Vexler

    My mission is to guide you through the political challenges we all face in the 21st century.

    I’m a philosopher. My academic life focuses on the concept of freedom and I’m writing a book about Isaiah Berlin. I’m a British citizen living in London. I was born in Soviet Russia - I left before the collapse of the USSR. I continue to closely analyse Russian politics.

  • I’m not sure even with a successful election and it going to the democrats we’ll be able to tell. At least from today’s view. It will largely depend on how institutions and the justice/court system can hold out against the current administration right now and during this phase.

    I feel like they may have already created damage that won’t be cleared just from one election or one election period’s fixups.

    At the same time, hopefully, this is the wake-up call for opposition and a transformation one way or another. It’s plainly obvious what is happening now, and I am hoping opposition will become more apparent and prevalent because of it. Not just in citizens, but institutions too.

  • and ignored non-western states altogether

    I haven’t watched the video yet, but I don’t think it’s true that Russia does not target non-western countries. (So much negation!)

    While I’m not sure about the scale, I remember Russia being particularly active in Africa, including with their private military, and African countries falling for the criticism of EU or NATO military/peace-keeping support.