Seen this on reddit and thought it was an interesting question that largely is not talked about.
It is largely an issue that gets sidelined and hidden because people don’t want to talk about it or accept that it exists. Hopefully this gets some traction to break that marginalisation.
Maybe I’m too laid back to notice, but I’ve never seen anyone hate men just because they’re male. So much so, that in order to answer this question I had to google what “misandry” meant. I had no clue what the hell you were even asking.
Is this seriously a thing? Am I in a bubble isolated from this? Or are you in a bubble where non-issues are issues for you? Genuinely asking.
Lol! What misandry?
What do you mean by “misandry”?
If you mean “women venting about their experiences in a male-dominated world”, then I don’t give a shit. I just try not to be the reason they’re complaining.
If you mean unrealistic emotional expectations for men, like we’re not allowed to cry or be sensitive or feel any emotion but anger, it frustrates me. I don’t really know how to handle it.
Ironically, I’ve only experienced the second one from other men.
Same, actually.
Not the first one.
I wasn’t thinking the second but that would be an example. I would say conversations with men over this topic is a lot easier than you would expect. There is support there. Bringing up with women who want a men to not cry or be sensitive can be difficult.
I’d refer to “toxic masculinity” or “the manosphere” if that’s what you meant.
I don’t deal with it at all cuz I don’t have the time to spend searching for hours to find some.
What the hell are you talking about??!!
I don’t, because there isn’t any
I run into far more misandry in real life than online.
I joined a men’s group so I can have a place that what I am is celebrated.
Lmao this is already getting brigaded -10 votes op. Just for asking a question. But yeah i just laugh it off as crazy feminist agenda sad femcel shit. My current gf was a strong feminist when we met but eventually she stopped socializing with feminists and has a more healthy mindset and works on improving herself and our home instead of the hyperfocus on misandry. I never really talked her out of it, she just grew out of it.
I don’t think it’s brigades, I think people just generally didn’t like the tone. I didn’t vote on this post but I did question the OP’s experience and intent when asking so bluntly and describing it as “marginalization”.
And more to the point, comments such as yours, which equate “feminism” with “misandry” are likely a bigger contributor to why people don’t appreciate this post overall.
That comment didn’t equate them, but rather associated them.
And they are associated.
At the extreme ends, sure. But we can’t discuss them as if they’re representative of the general concept. I don’t go around identifying myself as a feminist unprompted but I do believe in equality for all. And I don’t see how that means us men will suddenly have to be second class next to women. It’s equality, it’s equal. I’m not suggesting we shift who’s in power but rather we should balance it evenly.
Do you see where I’m coming from at all?