edit: someone found the artist (bluesky link)
edit2: link to picture https://www.zerochan.net/3270864
i wsh I’d be like - 5% of her ~ ~ ~
It… it’s a drawing.
Yesyes, that’s why5%
Im just gonna say this is a very nice drawing of peach 👍
As a former pizza delivery guy, having cute women hit on you is nice and all, but have you tried receiving a scribbled note from a child that said “thank you pizza man I love pizza” because I kept that shit for years it was so god damned heartwarming.
The best tip I ever received. Thanks, kiddo.
Best I ever had was me being invited up to some fancy flat, because the guy thought the Balaklava I used to deliver was funny.
When I got up there, there was a man and a woman in bed watching TV, whilst the guy who invited me in was holding a camcorder.
He laughed, they chuckled warily, and me being the nervous 20-something that I was chuckled too and said “Pizza!”
Apparently that was the right word, and they let me go and gave me a good tip, but I’ve always wondered what if…
I wanna deliver pizza just for the shenanigans
Obligatory shenanigans:
I clearly remember an incident when I was a 20 year old pizza delivery guy who made a delivery to an attractive middle aged woman in a bathrobe who gave me a bit of mischievous smile when I showed up with her pizza. I didn’t take the bait, but it was pretty weird. Luckily the pizza was from a really good place, so hopefully she wasn’t too disappointed.
I was about 22 when a delivered a pizza to a motel where 3 very attractive women answered the door in their underwear and invited me in. It was 1am and I had worked all day in 90 degree weather. It was my last delivery before going back and closing up the shop which i knew would take at least an hour. I politely declined and have regretted that decision since lol, but I think i ultimately did them a favor, considering how much sweat I accumulated that day.
‘One quick question ladies. How big is your shower?’
transition goals right here :3
It seems like the original source may have been deleted.
Who is the artist
For real now, I foi d this website with seemeingly the highest res image, so may e this is the source?
(Somewhat nsfw, if you scroll down)
yea thats where is got it from
Thanks! I like this artstyle, it reminds me of a few other artists I like
I mean, it is clearly signed peach. /s