It feels more like the meme is making fun of Elon Musk.
It feels more like the meme is making fun of Elon Musk.
I was about 22 when a delivered a pizza to a motel where 3 very attractive women answered the door in their underwear and invited me in. It was 1am and I had worked all day in 90 degree weather. It was my last delivery before going back and closing up the shop which i knew would take at least an hour. I politely declined and have regretted that decision since lol, but I think i ultimately did them a favor, considering how much sweat I accumulated that day.
Instead of issuing refunds on any purchased in game currency, Zynga informs players should quickly spend it in game before the game shuts down lmao
Buying Blu-ray, going to theaters, and buying merchandise aren’t alternatives to owning digitally. I won’t speak for all pirates, but I just want to own a digital copy of what i pay for. Even streaming with a paid subscription isn’t a viable alternative. I don’t pirate to protest, I pirate because there’s no other choice.