If they have Fitz they might have Afri Cola as well, another cola from German that I think is even better than Fritz, definitely worth trying.
I really miss fritz kola from when I was visiting Germany. Seriously a lot better than either pepsi or coke. Haven’t found a reseller here in Sweden, but hopefully one day!
That sanpellegrino clementina is the superior person’s fanta. It’s the sweetness of fanta with the tartness of orangina. Absolutely love it.
+1 for Fritz cola for not jumping on the cost-cutting bandwagon of substituting sugar with artificial sweeteners. (Others claim they don’t taste the difference, but I can immediately tell if there’s stevia or aspartame in a drink. It’s in the aftertaste, which becomes bitter and sticky.)
oh knock it off with the sugar elitism, imagine simping for diabetes
Imagine being uncultured and promoting a cult of ignorance. You must be American I gather.