"The revocation of green cards without giving an opportunity to prove lawful status...is a violation of due process," an immigration attorney told Newsweek.
They’re saying to not expect a smooth return if you are a green card holder and you wanted to, say, fly out to visit family in South America for a couple weeks.
I don’t get that at all…
Us Immigration doesn’t see you in the way out if you’re at the Canadian or Mexican border. Canadian or Mexican immigration does.
I mean don’t listen to me but if I was a green card holder I’d be packing up my shit and driving to Canada or Mexico and figuring shit out from there.
They’re saying to not expect a smooth return if you are a green card holder and you wanted to, say, fly out to visit family in South America for a couple weeks.
They are saying don’t leave if you’re coming back, which is when they nab you.