Coordinated by the European Commission, the Consumer Protection Cooperation Network (CPC) has launched an enforcement action against Star Stable Entertainment AB to ensure a safer, more transparent experience for players of the Star Stable Online game.
We are talking about anything that has real monetary value, if you cannot obtain it through real money, then it’s not in the discussion. Of course it opens a whole new problem, where they could sell “boosts” to earning virtual currency etc. So that would have to be taken into account with the legislation.
They’re gonna have such a hard time parsing this for WoW… WoW gold is a major part of the game and they’ve been screwing with it for a while now, I don’t play it anymore but I heard about possibilities to buy tokens that you sell for gold in game but conversely you can also use the gold to buy game time or something? And then off course all the DLC stuff, it’s gonna be complicated for sure.
Yeah, same with OSRS, you buy a bond which you can turn into 1 week membership, or trade it other players. Which is honestly fine, it lets people get membership without spending real money, but I’d rather none of the better/fairer systems exist if it means removing the egregious ones. Really we just want to target systems that make you buy a virtual currency to just sell you microtransactions, but how do you write legislation for that? It’s very tricky, which is why it’s probably never going to happen.
We are talking about anything that has real monetary value, if you cannot obtain it through real money, then it’s not in the discussion. Of course it opens a whole new problem, where they could sell “boosts” to earning virtual currency etc. So that would have to be taken into account with the legislation.
They’re gonna have such a hard time parsing this for WoW… WoW gold is a major part of the game and they’ve been screwing with it for a while now, I don’t play it anymore but I heard about possibilities to buy tokens that you sell for gold in game but conversely you can also use the gold to buy game time or something? And then off course all the DLC stuff, it’s gonna be complicated for sure.
Yeah, same with OSRS, you buy a bond which you can turn into 1 week membership, or trade it other players. Which is honestly fine, it lets people get membership without spending real money, but I’d rather none of the better/fairer systems exist if it means removing the egregious ones. Really we just want to target systems that make you buy a virtual currency to just sell you microtransactions, but how do you write legislation for that? It’s very tricky, which is why it’s probably never going to happen.