I just keep feeling like, “What the fuck are we going to do?” Any resistance is too spread out throughout this gigantic country. What should be happening is our military arresting him like South Korea’s did with their treasonous president.
South Korea’s government managed to successfully impeach and convict him first, though.
Trump has been impeached twice (which is already unprecedented for an American president), but it failed both times because the bar to pass is 2/3 of the senate voting to convict, which simply cannot happen while Republicans control half or more of the senate.
Oh, they’ll turn eventually. And then we will have VP Pence and Project 2025 still happening. It’s part of the plan. The president building his own insurgent army is not.
I just keep feeling like, “What the fuck are we going to do?” Any resistance is too spread out throughout this gigantic country. What should be happening is our military arresting him like South Korea’s did with their treasonous president.
South Korea’s government managed to successfully impeach and convict him first, though.
Trump has been impeached twice (which is already unprecedented for an American president), but it failed both times because the bar to pass is 2/3 of the senate voting to convict, which simply cannot happen while Republicans control half or more of the senate.
Oh, they’ll turn eventually. And then we will have VP Pence and Project 2025 still happening. It’s part of the plan. The president building his own insurgent army is not.
They may not. The modern Republican Party operates as a patronage machine, and the patrons like the idea of squashing the rest of us.