Enormous turnout!
11,000 people in Greeley (red county/red city)
30,000 people in Denver
Edit: revised Denver numbers estimate up to 34,000
Edit again: hardly any news outlets have mention of this. Local news and thehill.com
I’m in Greeley, it was packed!
I just watched it online I was in Denver but didn’t get in
I’m glad some of us are here (Lemmy) instead of the alternative
it’s so crazy the media isn’t covering all the protests more.
The revolution will not be televised
true, I guess it’s good that there is some television coverage of the protests and people fighting back, I’m just surprised there isn’t more.
This is not revolution, this is sheepherding
Was in Denver we were a little late but we saw him from outside the gate couldn’t hear the Greeley rally is online though google or duck duck go Bernie Denver or Bernie Greeley I don’t see Denver yet though
That there are barely any news stories within the continent, sure, I see how that would be possible.
But internationally? I don’t see any news anywhere about this.
This is the way. I’m glad they finally seem to understand it. The other day someone published that Sanders went somewhere and told a lot of working class people that Trump is messing with them. I’m sure they don’t need an octogenarian politician, a US Senator, to tell them they are being fucked by whom. Sanders and AOC need to build a discourse that goes beyond that. They need to go there and tell the people how to get out of this. They need a plan, they need to share it and let the people be a part of it.
You do not fight oligarchs by using their social media when plenty of alternatives are available