Oh a secret progressive, neat. She could have chosen up until the last few days of the election to jettison the zionist garbage messaging from her campaign and choose to win and she didnt. Her campaign had polls showing she’d lose and why. Unless she literally had a gun to her head I dont want to hear how progressive she is.
On top of that she’s married to a zionist and her campaign manager was her husbands brother, also a zionist. If she wants to promise to ditch those two losers from anything relating to politics I’ll consider voting for her, otherwise she can piss right on off in every single other time she runs as well. No more zionists candidates. Reform jewish people are fine, but we need to stop trying to prop up right wing warmongers from whats supposedly the left leaning party.
Oh a secret progressive, neat. She could have chosen up until the last few days of the election to jettison the zionist garbage messaging from her campaign and choose to win and she didnt. Her campaign had polls showing she’d lose and why. Unless she literally had a gun to her head I dont want to hear how progressive she is.
On top of that she’s married to a zionist and her campaign manager was her husbands brother, also a zionist. If she wants to promise to ditch those two losers from anything relating to politics I’ll consider voting for her, otherwise she can piss right on off in every single other time she runs as well. No more zionists candidates. Reform jewish people are fine, but we need to stop trying to prop up right wing warmongers from whats supposedly the left leaning party.