Meme in a format “chads vs soyaks”:

Chads - Polish idioms

  1. Whore will not rip off head off of a whore
  2. You ask a boar if they shits in the woods
  3. Flies are pooping, spring is coming
  4. Grandma’s shitting has ended

Soyaks - English Idioms

  1. Every cloud has a silver lining
  2. In the eyeof the beholder (with image of soyakish dnd beholder)
  3. Once in a blue moon
  4. Elehant in the room (image of soyak elephant)
    5 days ago

    Are you sure? Because to me this means someone has finished spewing bullshit. Or something annoying has finally come to an end.

    Due to the respect for the elder, you let them finish, but you know it’s nonsense.