I think it was originally a shorthand to say “nobody asked for this to happen”, but now it’s a monkey-brain neuron-activation type thing that OPs can do to scream at other users “THIS IS A MEME”
It’s like the misuse of the POV, which should have remained what it is, the bad kind of porn where you don’t see the guys hairy ass as he pounds away at the chick
I think it was originally a shorthand to say “nobody asked for this to happen”, but now it’s a monkey-brain neuron-activation type thing that OPs can do to scream at other users “THIS IS A MEME”
It’s like the misuse of the POV, which should have remained what it is, the bad kind of porn where you don’t see the guys hairy ass as he pounds away at the chick
Ironically the whole POV this is getting funnier when used wrong.
It’s like a laugh track for memes. Yeah it’s not really funny, but now people HAVE to laugh.