Today’s game is Halo Infinite. Me and my friend continued our Legendary playthrough and did another mission with it (and also cleared a few more FOB). The screenshot above was taken at the top of a mountain where we got an achievement. The games views are gorgeous and give me big BoTW vibes.
During the mission we had this boss fight with a Brute with a hammer, and it was unusually difficult. This game has a lot of good things going for it, but one complaint i have is that the boss fights feel off. Like with Halo 2 the boss fights felt rewarding to do, but in this one it just feels like every other shooter where you break the enemies shield, and then shoot them some more. I don’t really know how to explain it but it feels more tedious than fun.
The last complaint i have is that the Legendary mode feels weirdly unbalanced. Like with older games Legendary is a constant challenge, but this one the common enemies are easy but then the game will rarely through a boss that is ungodly hard or even a pair of enemies that take forever or really precise strategies. I guess my complaint is i would rather for a constant challenge than it randomly spiking.
An example is the fight in the picture above (it was so difficult i took a victory photo). From what i’ve heard from my friend this fight is hard on normal too, but i can’t confirm that. The entire fight took us like an hour because whenever we even peaked out to look for him they’d demolish us with their guns that explode. Imagine like a rocket launcher that fired really fucking fast would arc too find you. So there’s like no hiding from it. We eventually persisted though after i trapped one of the two brutes in a crack and killed him and then i slowly whittled away at the other one with a sentinel beam and AR.
Definitely. For a base, it’s amazing. It needs some balancing imo, and like you said, some more content. My friend I play with was commenting that he wishes there were more biomes, which is definitely something I agree with. The generic “grassy hills” thing definitely gets boring to look at after a bit.
Yeah, that would have been great to have a tundra and jungle biome. Spawning patrol groups would have been cool, and having to defend FOBs periodically from attack or risk losing them. Ah, what could have been.