whyyyy does it always hav to be about adult stuffsies ;(
whiiii not jus .-,.-, idk.-,. we watch som dum series togethr or lik.-,–., somethin totally serious (MLP) n then we lik.,-, .-bake som cookies <3 < <3 n then we do othr stuffsieseseses which r comf but .,.- whi it hv to alwais be adult ;(((( i dun lik adult, nuuu is uncomf lik ,- .nu!!! ;(( how about nu!!! ;(
i dun lik dis lik e, ,.-, adult stuff how bout we onli do dem comf n tek drgs to mek them uncomf adult feels go -poof gon- hatd be supr nic n cuul n i rlli wan that <3 <3 <3
whyyyy does it always hav to be about adult stuffsies ;(
whiiii not jus .-,.-, idk.-,. we watch som dum series togethr or lik.-,–., somethin totally serious (MLP) n then we lik.,-, .-bake som cookies <3 < <3 n then we do othr stuffsieseseses which r comf but .,.- whi it hv to alwais be adult ;(((( i dun lik adult, nuuu is uncomf lik ,- .nu!!! ;(( how about nu!!! ;(
i dun lik dis lik e, ,.-, adult stuff how bout we onli do dem comf n tek drgs to mek them uncomf adult feels go -poof gon- hatd be supr nic n cuul n i rlli wan that <3 <3 <3
u will not believe it.
u cn join me if u wan <3
alsuu anyone else here too <3 but one space on the couch is alrdi taken by Mr. Blahah ~ ~ ~ <3
This is not my flavor.
ur flavour of what? .-,.-