It’s happening! Release must be sooner than we think. SILKSONG IS REAL!!
Tomorrow for sure!
I mean it this time
Beep beep beep
Huh? What’s that? Oh it’s the COPIUM truck backing up!
Silk Nukem SongNever
I only believe in the silk when there is song.
Why do these people keep doing this to themselves
HL3 soon after. 5real this time guise.
And the George Martin will finish A Song of Ice and Fire.
Silk… Song? Now that’s a name I haven’t heard since…
Something, something, April 2nd.
They will announce one day earlier that the game will come out next day
Honestly, it would be hilarious if they did a goofy, “coming out tomorrow,” April Fools day announcement, and Nintendo snapped back the next day with “no, really, available now!”
Yeah I’m thinking that they want to cash in on the switch user base of the first game. Be stupid not to
Gets a release date or maybe even a surprise drop at the Switch event on April 2. Guaranteed.