this is NOT funi!!! ;(((
death is nt somthn to mek funies about!!! ;((((
pls say this is nt real, pls say u didn rlli kill her!!! ;(
if not, dis is vrri nsfw an i feel sad n disgustng after seein this ;(
Are you serious?
death is funni and i rilli killd her
and i wil do it agen to others
death is funni gane
nuuuu whiiii is nt funi at all!!! >~< ;((((
she cud hv livd supr cool liv n stuffsies !!! ;(
she cudv been cool charactr, cool persn, cool profile pic, reasonbl comf visual n lik .-,. ,nuu dis a waste!!! ;(
death is nt fun ;( peeps go -poof gon- n then they gon! :o ;(
n then u cnt tlk to them anymor ;(
dis is sad ;(
oh no she ressurecd and wan me 2 pai 4 wat i did
im sorri phoebe it waz just a prnk im sori pls dont hurt me
i kno! i commentd on it!!!