I’ll start. I choose Ñ.
Easy, “K”. I could handle some yes, no, maybe with that.
k - ok, but I feel some type of way about this
kk - hell yeah, I’m down
kkk - this is bad and I don’t want it
Any of them. I’d just write a program that interprets a sequence of keypresses as Morse code beforehand 🤷
Not technically a loophole. I’ll allow it.
“X”, I only need to tap it three times to get what I want.
OK, you asked for it. I’m binding super+P to open pornhub in a private window.
“PORN” and “Esc” are not letters.
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
I mixed up my phrasing on a shit post.
Neither are the arrows and special characters!
If only they meant button. Smh my head.
So in short, ehatever you use, you still can use arrows and enter, also alt and function keys…
Soooo choice doesn’t matter, screen keyboards exist.
You just need to be lucky enough to have a brainfuck interpreter with the appropriate libraries or a pre-existing alternative to imputing letters handy.
As a vim user i would choose the space key and commit suicide with the stablizer under it…
P keyboard
Not an addiction bro it’s harmless
A porn button is just the literal opposite to the escape button
Is it though?
W, I might not be able to say anything useful but at least I can go forward!
This tilts people way to hard for what it is - a slightly drunk -