That is not a good idea for a beginner.
Your average science guy, Linux nerd, and Minecraft player. Left Reddit for this place and haven’t looked back. :)
That is not a good idea for a beginner.
That’s really awesome! I’m impressed that JWST’s coronagraph was able to block out the star’s light so completely.
I don’t quite remember whether it’s the rectangle with all the buttons you press or the TV with all the funny pictures on it, but one of those.
Cold fusion is actually really easy, you just, uhhhh, tickle the atoms until they’re laughing so hard they start fusing together. Please give me a billion dollar research grant I’m a real scientist I swear.
Teenager ≠ underage, 18 and 19 year olds exist. But thanks for your concern. :)
As a teenager who is relatively tech-savvy and on the fediverse, can confirm. I think it’s gotten to the point where even less technically inclined people can join fairly easily, but the more savvy are usually the first to flee from enshittifying platforms so we see a lot more of them here.
Just shove a 3 in there somewhere, it’ll do something I promise!
It was a manifestation of his own inner evil that killed him, not an actual person.