I couldn’t get into any of the LOTR movies. I like fantasy, I like adventure, I like fighting, but those films are boring as hell to me.
I upvote you for being brave enough to voice your opinion on this.
I like the movies but hey everyone doesn’t like everything
Me neither but to be fair I don’t like fantasy, adventure or fighting lol. My brother convinced me to have a LOTR marathon and lemme tell ya I got a LOT of laundry done that day…
Now that is an unpopular opinion.
This is like an opinion some Easterling would have. /j ;)
What if i told you its got a frypan wielding, tater tasting, gardener?
Mad Max: Fury Road. I thought that was dumbest, most caveman pleasing trash that has ever received that much acclaim. Truly, the entire movie is designed to make a caveman go, “OOhhhH!.. WwAaHh!.. FFIIRE!.. DwWoOah!.. HaHhh!.. OOhhhH! LaDy!!..HhaHh!.. MAD!!..WoOoHhh!”
Thank you. I saw it, and it was one of the most boring movies I’d seen in spite of all the effects being thrown at me. Mind you, I went into it having watched Mad Max & Road Warrior hours before, and having skipped Thunderdome (and Waterworld). In all honesty, Fury Road is just “what if we actually made Waterworld the Mad Max sequel it was obviously supposed to be?”
I enjoyed it. Great cinematography and practical effects. My wife? Not so much. She broke it down as… “oh look! They drove away! Then the drove back! The end! That was the whole movie!”
Snowpiercer. It was highly rated on Rotten Tomatoes and from the poster I thought it stared U2’s The Edge, so I took a chance. That was the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen.
I suppose a movie in which they spend half of the time running through sleeper cars wouldn’t have conveyed the same message about classism.
Time to fight the army of goon in an empty car that seemingly serves no purpose than to host a large violent brawl, now it’s time to walk through the sleeper car for all the goons you fought, now it’s time to walk through the kitchen car for the goons, not it’s time to walk through the laundry car for the goons. Oh look, it’s a rich person party car, what a weird thing to have at all in any context, are they aware the world has ended? Now time to go through the partier’s sleeper car, then the partier’s kitchen car, then the partier’s laundry car…
Almost all of Will Ferrell’s movies, but especially Talladega Nights, a stupid movie about stupid people doing stupid things according to a stupid script. It’s one of two movies I’ve ever walked out on (the other being Splice, which is just gross). Stranger Than Fiction is the only good movie with Will Ferrell in a starring roll.
Edit: Splice not Split
But that’s the point of Talladega Nights, no? It’s meant to be stupid, silly, and absurd. It’s not a drama, it’s a comedy about race car drivers.
Like if that’s your opinion, fine, im not trying to change your mind. But walking out on a comedy cause you thought it was too stupid is like closing a book because it had too many words.
IMO good comedy is more than stupid people acting silly, that’s an incredibly reductive view of the genre. Comedy should be clever and play to more than just the basest impulses. Even a comedy about stupid people can be smartly written. An example brought up in this thread is Zoolander. It’s silly and absurd, but it’s also smart, even though the characters are stupid. Talladega Nights is just stupid.
Mane I thought you were gonna say Office Space or like a West Anderson film as a “smart” comedy, not Zoolander lol. I wouldn’t necessarily call that high brow compared to Talladega Nights, but I haven’t seen it in quite some time so could be misremembering. I get what you’re saying though- a lot of the Will Ferrell comedies use really stupid visual laughs (or dead obvious lines) instead of anything that would require thinking a lil.
Office space is also good, Wes Anderson movies tend to be a little up their own ass for my taste. Zoolander works as a better comparison due to the intelligence level of the characters being about the same as Talladega Nights while the quality of the writing is much higher.
Uncut Gems
A stressful two hours of screaming and bad decisions
That’s the point… We’re watching the spiral of a gambling addict. Its pure anxiety, and it’s done so well.
Literally the only movie I’ve ever turned off part way through. Youd think that the producers would have, i don’t know, accurately depicted the force the movie is named after.
Mind to elaborate?
Sure thing!
The scene where George Clooney dies is just stupid wrong. https://youtu.be/9La4T6GBsLA
Once Sandra catches his broken teather he comes to a complete stop. The line is taught, so effectively they’re both moving in roughly the same orbit as the station they’re attached to. That means they’re also moving at the same speed as the station. The net forces at that point for Clooney’s character are effectively zero (not exactly zero as there is still a bit of atmosphere causing drag at iss heights).
In real life, he’s “safe” in that scenario. In the movie, some magical force continues to be applied to him which ends up overpowering his grip, which was totally fine seconds before, and he falls to his death.
I dont know if the science gets better after that, never watched past it.