• Caboose12000@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I got into linux right around when it was first happening, and I dont think I would’ve made it through my own noob phase if i didnt have a friendly robot to explain to me all the stupid mistakes I was making while re-training my brain to think in linux.

    probably a very friendly expert or mentor or even just a regular established linux user could’ve done a better job, the ai had me do weird things semi-often. but i didnt have anyone in my life that liked linux, let alone had time to be my personal mentor in it, so the ai was a decent solution for me

  • kava@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    i’ve used it fairly consistently for the last year or so. i didn’t actually start using it until chatgpt 4 and when openai offered the $20 membership

    i think AI is a tool. like any other tool, your results vary depending on how you use it

    i think it’s really useful for specific intents

    example, as a fancy search engine. yesterday I was watching Annie from 1999 with my girlfriend and I was curious about the capitalist character. i asked chatgpt the following question

    in the 1999 hit movie annie, who was the billionaire mr warbucks supposed to represent? were there actually any billionaires in the time period? it’s based around the early 1930s

    it gave me context. it showed examples of the types of capitalist the character was based on. and it informed me that the first billionaire was in 1916.

    very useful for this type of inquiry.

    other things i like using it for are to help coding. but there’s a huge caveat here. some thing it’s very helpful for… and some things it’s abysmal for.

    for example i can’t ask it “can you help me write a nice animation for a react native component used reanimated”

    because the response will be awful and won’t work. and you could go back and forth with it forever and it won’t make a difference. the reason is it’s trained on a lot of stuff that’s outdated so it’ll keep giving you code that maybe would have worked 4 years ago. and even then, it can’t hold too much context so complex applications just won’t work

    BUT certain things it’s really good. for example I need to write a script for work. i use fish shell but sometimes i don’t know the proper syntax or everything fish is capable of

    so I ask

    how to test, using fish, if an “images.zip” file exists in $target_dir

    it’ll pump out

    if test -f "$target_dir/images.zip"
        echo "File exists."
        echo "File does not exist."

    which gives me what i needed in order to place it into the script i was writing.

    or for example if you want to convert a bash script to a fish script (or vice versa), it’ll do a great job

    so tldr:

    it’s a tool. it’s how you use it. i’ve used it a lot. i find great value in it. but you must be realistic about its limitations. it’s not as great as people say- it’s a fancy search engine. it’s also not as bad as people say.

    as for whether it’s good or bad for society, i think good. or at least will be good eventually. was the search engine a bad thing for society? i think being able to look up stuff whenever you want is a good thing. of course you could make the argument kids don’t go to libraries anymore… and maybe that’s sorta bad. but i think the trade-off is definitely worth it